Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Not having you

Not having you has been something I'm used to for obvious reasons,
suddenly we hang around each other more time than we have in 7 years
of knowing each other, by fair reasons.

Being alone some time has do me some good, at least I didn't do anything
I could regret so far, but the truth is, I don't like being alone, probably
it's just that I don't like being with myself, even thou I enjoy doing things on
my own, probably is because I have never been alone, not just physically.

So, suddenly, someone like you walks into the picture and creates this,
emptiness, one that's hard to fill, I do know I have you in the palm of my hand,
like, literally, you are an idea on my head that comes to life in the form of
digital text and media, but, what do I do if you are not there? if you are not
available? reachable?, worst/best part is that I want YOU to be the one who's
guilty of this, but as of now, I still search for what I need, instead of focusing...
at least I'm aware of it, isn't?

Not having you has been a constant in my life, that's why I appreciate every
weekend with you and try to make the most out of each minute, you, like me,
create a need, a need of 'me', I like being needed, problem is when the balance
doesn't leans towards the right/expected direction... probably I'll just have to
work on myself some more, but right now, I'm just desperate.

I miss you.

Giving it a second thought, I might learn a thing or two here.

Gracias por leer.

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