this.patience =- 10;
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That same road that once served me a a cleaning spot,
that same place where I got mad at myself
for doing what I was doing, where I really said goodbye.
I remember the feeling of actually wanting to get caught, I left it as it was, I wanted to be caught.
This just ensures the feeling of righteousness, that I am where I wanted to be, even if it is not as I want it, even if it is like I imagined.
I think we both have to learn of it like we have done it all this time, but can't help the feeling that you have to learn the most. Sorry.
There was something you said, but this time was different, this time you felt it.
It was not about eating or not, I'm not even hungry yet... it was about leaving me, by myself, without you.
Yet, I'm sitting on the spot.
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ps. no tendre señal a las 10.
Me hace mas ruido del que quisiera.
No puedo evitarlo, quizas por eso intento ignorarlo, pero es a diario, es constante.
Una pequeña bola de nieve que prefiero no ver.
Estoy bien, lo se, pero me hace mas ruido del que quisiera...
y quisiera mejor no saber.
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A veces no puedo evitar sentirme como un pendejo... un idiota... un imbecil.
Esta dificil esto, quizas es falta de costumbre.
El problema es que me conozco.
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huevos revueltos es la frase que viene a mi cabeza
dolor de cabeza
ya pasó
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Lo facil que es fallar,
lo fácil que es fallarle a alguien.
No siempre escribo aquí,
hoy era necesario,
sacar este sentimiento de no ser merecedor que me invade el cuerpo y me revuelve el estomago es algo que no creí tener,
no contigo.
Puede sonar estúpido, no haber llamado,
eso es todo, ahí fallé, pero no es solo eso,
es todo lo que implica.
Inplica ganas, inplica deseo, implica amor, implica decisión, implica interés, implica cariño, implica cuidado, implica atención, implica conpromiso, imokica responsabilidad, implica confianza, implica mi palabra... implica honor.
Yo dije que lo haría y no lo hice, las excusas están de más.
"Un error momentáneo llega a ser un remordimiento enterno."
Sin embargo lamentarse o disculparse no sirve de nada. Hay que aprender de los errores, cosa que había olvidado pero que se me da con facilidad.
Me di cuenta de, si fallé en algo tan sencillo como hacer una llamada y me siento así, hasta cierto punto sirve de referencia para saber que no quiero fallar en lo demas.
Lamentarse no sirve.
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Que dificil es sentirse apreciado.
Hay que ser considerado... y consistente no?
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After everything happened, I asked my friend if things like this really need to happen for things to improve, I knew the answer, his answer was 'sometimes they do'.
Forget about perfect relationships, I feel we have a couple of stains already, I can live with that, but, do I want to? I think I do, why? because I was going to live ( or was living ) with someone who we already share 20+ stains ( just to say a number ) and because I still think its worth it.
I know what I'm about to do, but I think this time I don't want to, or probably just a fair amount of time, just to settle down my feelings amd make a statement ( no one learns the easy way ), and I'd probably do that, I have no time and more important, I want to give what I have, but I have learned now, next time, I won't regret anything, because it has always been my decision.
I hope this ends up the right way.
Gracias por leer.
How can I be better?
How can I be sure?
How can I be right...
just the right one for you.
Am I?
Am I the one you need?
Am I the one you deserve?
Am I the one whos lost?
I dont want to...
I dont want to lose you
I dont want to be like this
I dont want to write this.
I love you...
I do know I love you
I do know I miss you
I do know I want you with me.
I cant...
I cant be like this
I cant afford to loose you
I cant be like this anymore.
I want...
I want you
I want to be different
I want to have you by mi side.
I know...
I know I can
I know I want it
I know I will.
How can I?...
Being myself doesn't seems like that much
I know my own value
Its just
I feel you deserve everything
Is it just me?
pleasing a need?
Luv u.
Gracias por leer.
We are different, I know this, I have seen those differences through time, I kinda knew what to expect about this but the thing is I don't like it when it's like I pictured it.
I want to be able to not-to-have fear, I'll probably do it, It might payback someday.
Being on the other side of the coin is not as funny as I thought.
Happy Valentine's day.
Gracias por leer.